Agricultural Diversification Nepal, Global Grant Project Summary

Janice Sommerfeld (RC Cranbrook Sunrise) with Shree Dhital (RC Kathmandu Heights & Sanskriti Farms Director)

Representing Cranbrook Sunrise Rotary Club: Janice Sommerfeld & Percy Davis

Working with the Rotary Clubs of Kathmandu and Kathmandu Heights, plus financial support from other Rotary Clubs, we have just completed one Global Grant in Nepal, Agricultural Diversification and are looking at starting another, Integrated Agricultural Diversification.  This next Grant will integrate Bee Farming into the project as well as introduce it into 10 Schools.

Agricultural Diversification - To grow local economies & reduce poverty through the introduction of different crops & farm methods. Kavre district in Nepal is a hilly district with an area of 1404 sq. km and 43.8% arable land (5.5% valley, 28.1% less slope and 10.2% slope lands) where 78.6% land is used for farming. Diversification would enable farmers to grow more nutritious and market appropriate foods of higher value. 

Currently a new Community Assessment is being carried out to include the introduction of Bee farming along with the project being carried out in 10 schools.

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